July 12, 2010

Are you ready for the fall recruiting season? Those of you going into your senior year of college or your second year of an MBA program know that the recruiting season will be here soon (the summer just goes by too quickly, doesn’t it?). For you students and for all of the rest of you interested in investment banking, I want to bring to your attention a course that I’ll be teaching in New York City starting July 31. The course runs on Saturday and Sunday for two consecutive weeks and covers valuation and financial modeling as well as basic accounting, corporate finance and financial statement analysis. The course is great preparation for investment banking interviews, especially those stressful technical questions.

To register for the course or for more information, please visit the Institute for Finance website.

I also want to let you know that I’m offering a special price for the summer on the financial modeling self study program. I’ve reduced the price to only $19 from the old price of $49. I hope that you will take advantage of this limited time offer. Click to view more information about the financial modeling self study program.

As always, I look forward to your comments/suggestions/questions and emails (andrew [at] ibankingfaq.com).